Andrews Atlantic Showcase Player Order Form

Player Profile $350

Add 1 Game Video for $30

Add 3 Game Videos for $50

ONE Digital Game Copy

THREE Digital Game Copies

Add a 16GB Flash Drive for $5

Permission to Published to YouTube

10 + 3 =

Payment Methods

Please send payment by email money transfer to

If paying by cheque, please make payable to “Universum Media

After you’ve completed and submitted your order for digital media, we will contact you with any questions and a total amount payable for your products.


Get Noticed with a Player Profile

A player profile is a great way to separate yourself from the competition with a personalized player profile.  This will include an on-camera interview, an isolated camera and a professional graphic with stats created in a professionally edited video.  A great visual media tool that can be sent to coaches and also makes a great souvenir for your child.